We want you to get the care you deserve.

A one-stop shop for the elderly

At Alami Clinic, we specialise in caring for older adults. Our team includes specialist medical care by our geriatrician Dr Nur Farhan Alami.

We offer memory assessments including diagnosis of dementia, vaccinations, health screening packages, management of chronic disease, cough and cold illness, management of injury and acute medical issues in adults.

It’s essential for us that our patients get personalised suggestions on who from our team is the best match. Rather than do things the typical way, we’ve created a system designed around our patients’ needs.

A modern approach

Consultant Geriatrician

Dr Nur Farhan Alami

Dr Nur Farhan is accredited as a specialist in Geriatric Medicine by the Specialist Accreditation Board. Her qualifications include MBBS (Singapore) and MRCP (UK). Dr Nur Farhan is accredited as a certificate issuer of LPA (Lasting Power of Attorney) by the Office of the Public Guardian.

Prior to establishing Alami Clinic, Dr Nur Farhan was a Geriatrician at Raffles Hospital and Changi General Hospital. She was appointed Clinical Lecturer at NUS and was a core faculty member of the Singhealth Senior Residency Program in Geriatric Medicine. She has experience in managing internal medicine in adults, as well as acute and chronic general medical issues in the elderly. Her interests include falls and frailty, incontinence, depression, delirium, dementia and deconditioning in the elderly. She is also experienced in managing end of life issues in the elderly including end stage organ disease, advanced care planning and palliative medicine.

Dr Nur Farhan is certified as a severe disability assessor by the Agency of Integrated Care (AIC) for national diability schemes like IDAPE, CareShield Life, Eldershield and Foreign Domestic Worker Levy Schemes.

Consultant Geriatrician

Dr Shafia Yang Razali

Dr Shafia is accredited as a specialist in Geriatric Medicine by the Specialist Accreditation Board. Her qualifications include MBBS (Singapore), MRCP (UK) and MMed Internal Medicine (Singapore).

Dr Shafia completed her specialist training in Geriatric Medicine and worked in Changi General Hospital before joining Alami Clinic. Her interests include frailty prevention and active ageing. She believes in an integrative approach to health and wellness, and sees patients of all ages. As a certified Precision Nutrition Coach, she hopes to help her patients optimize their lifestyles and take charge of their chronic disease management in order to age better.

Dr Shafia is certified as a severe disability assessor by the Agency of Integrated Care (AIC) for national diability schemes like IDAPE, CareShield Life, Eldershield and Foreign Domestic Worker Levy Schemes. She is also accredited as a certificate issuer of LPA by the Office of the Public Guardian.

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